Consensus on the significance of the workshop for media outlets and their staff… Participants’ opinions in the workshop of ‘Accountability and Media'”


With the aim of introducing journalists to the concept and tools of accountability and its importance at both individual and societal levels, as well as empowering them to understand the role of media in promoting accountability and providing them with the necessary skills to advocate this role, Ethical Charter for Syrian Media recently organized a training workshop on “accountability and media, tools and functions”.

The workshop encompassed analytical insights into the impact of media on enhancing public accountability and transparency within institutions and governments. It explored the pillars of accountability, mechanisms for public engagement, and the importance of media education. Eighteen journalists from inside Syria took part in the workshop under supervision of journalist trainer Arwa Kooli, assistant professor at the Institute of Journalism and News Sciences in Tunisia.

Kooli stated, “the workshop brought together participants from diverse backgrounds, and their engagement was commendable. There was seriousness in the discussions, acceptance of different perspectives, and a willingness to fulfill their tasks, which was no easy feat, especially considering their involvement in three daily exercises”. She added, “such workshops provide journalists with the opportunity to pause and reflect on their work. Particularly, this workshop emphasized transparency and accountability in media, juxtaposing its role in societal accountability. This allowed us to question whether we are applying these principles as we should”.

From his end, Mohammed Al Hamadi, the Executive Director of Al Sharq News Network, expressed that “the workshop heightened his awareness regarding transparency and accountability. He considered it a benchmark among prevalent workshops offered by media institutions, possibly being the first of its kind for him in this field”. He affirmed that following the workshop, he plans to enhance his institution’s website, dedicating a complaints and inquiries section about its content, as well as social media platforms. He expressed a wish for the ECSM to increase the frequency of specialized training courses, which would contribute scientifically to those working in the Syrian media sector. He highlighted the urgent need to frame experiences within specialized journalism and media curricula, which would positively impact both institutions and Syrian media at large.

Ibrahim Al Hussain, representing “Al-Sharqia Post” network, shared in an interview with ECSM website that the workshop introduced significant and fresh insights into implementing accountability and transparency in media outlets and institutions. It also highlighted methods to target and engage the audience in media campaigns that these institutions may undertake. He acknowledged that the workshop equipped participants with knowledge on social media, including the best publishing times and the types of content suitable for each platform. He extended his gratitude to the trainer and the ECSM.

Addressing the added value brought by the workshop, journalist Mohammed Abdul Malek Al Sultan, a correspondent for the Syrian Press Center, mentioned, “The workshop provided me with insights into developing media and self-regulatory systems within media institutions. It also illustrated how to link accountability with media and handle it rigorously. These insights benefit journalists”. He added that he gained insights into resolving complex societal issues through research, developing organizational schemes for media campaigns, and segmenting plans into primary and secondary categories to arrive at practical solutions through effective engagement with relevant authorities.

Abdul Malik Qara Muhammad, the Editorial Manager of Hibr Newspaper, remarked, “the workshop contained a substantial amount of new information about accountability within the journalistic context. For example, it introduced the concept of media concurrence and the policy of correction, both of which are crucial to explain to readers. This knowledge will undoubtedly fortify the foundations of accountability within our institution by leveraging the expertise we acquired”. He praised the trainer’s performance, noting her high level of experience and her efforts to effectively communicate information to trainees through theoretical and practical training exercises that combined utility and enjoyment.

Abdullah Klaido, the Executive Director of Radio Fresh, affirmed that the information gained during the workshop was valuable and novel for him in terms of media accountability. He also emphasized that these insights will contribute to enhancing the existing editorial policy at Radio Fresh. He expressed a desire for these workshops to transition from online to physical presence due to their potential for greater impact. He hoped that these workshops will mark the initial steps towards achieving a free media that adheres to global journalistic standards, respects the principle of accountability, and involves the audience in shaping information.

Media activist Basel Nammoura, echoed Klaido’s sentiment regarding the need for physical workshops. He affirmed that the workshop familiarized participants with accountability, its pillars, and its tools, which could enhance operations within media institutions when practically applied.

ECSM, through its efforts, aims to elevate the understanding of core international values pertaining to professional ethics among its member institutions, independent journalists, and Syrian civil society organizations. It achieves this by regularly organizing forums and training workshops for individuals within media institutions and civil society organizations, all with the goal of strengthening their roles in accordance with these values and principles.